





需要统一呼叫中心号码,扩展全省或全国市场,提升品牌形象的优秀企事业单位! Need a unified call center number, to expand the province or the national market, enhance the brand image of outstanding enterprises and institutions! 集团公司:集团公司分布多个区域,跨地区、跨省市,利用400商务总机以及IVR导航进行识别,多层扩展,达到呼叫目的,体现集团公司自身的形象,也提高企业的整体竞争力。 Group: group distribution of multiple regions, cross regional and cross provincial, identification, using 400 e-business and IVR navigation to call to multilayer expansion, which reflects the group company's own image, but also improve the overall competitiveness of enterprises. 政府呼叫中心:政府智能呼叫中心,水利、电力、森林防火、公安、消防交通运输等应急中心,政府财政、税务、纪检集中识别呼叫分配中心。 Government call center: Government intelligent call center, water conservancy, electric power, forest fire prevention, public security, fire protection, transportation and other emergency centers, the government finances, tax, discipline inspection center, centralized identification call distribution center. 旅游票务:机票、演唱会订票等活动票务预订,配合线上多坐席实现无阻塞400电话呼叫服务,统一办公,提高企业自身形象和同类行业中自身竞争水平。 Travel tickets: tickets, concert booking ticket booking and other activities, with the online multi seat to achieve non blocking 400 telephone call service, unified office, improve the image of the enterprise and its level of competition in the same industry. IT、互联网公司与服务、电子商务:网店、品牌电脑、外设厂商、电脑配件、数码厂商、IT服务、软件厂商建立全国性销售网络,同时建立全国性的400业务呼叫网络中心,实现跨地区业务的需求。 IT, Internet Co and services, e-commerce, brand shop: computer, computer accessories, digital peripherals manufacturers, vendors, IT services, software vendors set up a nationwide sales network, and establish a national 400 network service call center, to achieve cross regional business needs. 物流运输:物流企业运用400电话业务对客户进行下单、受理、查询和投诉等,支持大容量的呼入功能,企业商务总机分流,不同区域对应不同接入方式。 Logistics: logistics enterprises use 400 telephone business orders, acceptance, enquiries and complaints of customers, call function support large capacity, enterprise e-business shunt, different regions corresponding to different access modes. 证券、基金公司:证券、基金公司对400业务是很明显的,犹如银行使用400电话业务,方便易记之外还体现自身企业的实力,更大程度的让客户放心、安全和专业。 Securities, securities, fund: fund companies is very obvious on the 400 business, as if the bank uses 400 telephone service, convenient and easy to remember also embodies the strength of enterprises, a greater degree of customer confidence and safety and professional. 制造业和零售业全国连锁型企业:分支机构众多,客户咨询、反馈、投诉量大是连锁企业的特点,我们利用400商务热线集中办理各项业务,统计数据,方便快捷,服务做的好才是硬道理。 Manufacturing and retail chain enterprises nationwide: numerous branches, customer consultation and feedback, the volume of complaints is the characteristics of chain enterprises, we use 400 hotline centralized business for the business, statistics, convenient service, well done is the hard truth. 酒店宾馆:配合网上订房、预订酒席,利用400商务总机,部门再多也不会烦恼。让客户耳目一新,方便快捷的达到自己需要的,更体现商务运用的专业和便捷。 Hotels: with online booking, booking banquet, the use of 400 business switchboard, the Department will not worry more. Let customers refreshing, convenient and quick to achieve their own needs, but also reflects the professional and convenient business applications.

  1. 保定市遨游计算机服务有限公司
  2. 服务热线:400-012-6696
  3. 售前咨询:13313028229 / 0312-3229012
  4. 售后:0312-5935238 / 6791400 / 6791120
  5. 地址:保定市朝阳南大街国贸大厦8楼808室

 版权保定遨游公司 推荐:合肥400电话办理,芜湖400电话办理,蚌埠400电话办理,淮南400电话办理,马鞍山400电话办理,淮北400电话办理,铜陵400电话办理,安庆400电话办理,黄山400电话办理,滁州400电话申请,阜阳400电话申请,宿州400电话申请,巢湖400电话申请,六安400电话申请,亳州400电话申请,池州400电话申请,宣城400电话申请
