





First of all, there are three payment modes for 400 telephones. One is monthly payment, the other is annual payment and the other is annual package payment. This is the company's three payment foxiang.37ix.com.cnjianzhu.37ix.com.cnshidiaodw.37ix.com.cn shidiaopf.37ix.com.cnsuliaozd.37ix.com.cnsuliaozz.37ix.com.cnmethods. As for which payment method the customer wants to choose, it's all up to the customer to choose. So what is the difference between these three payment methods?
One is monthly payment. As the name implies, the monthly payment is based on the monthly payment. But like some mobile packages, it has a minimum cost. Whether or not an enterprise spends so much in this month, the minimum amount of money spent will be deducted. It's like a minimum-cost package for mobile phones, which is deducted no matter how many calls and charges users make during the month. And it was deducted at the beginning of the month. The same is true for 400 telephones.
As for the annual payment, it is similar to the principle of monthly payment, and also has a minimum consumption amount. As long as it is within the minimum consumption amount, only the lowest consumption cost should be paid. But beyond that minimum, companies need to pay more. But that's about the same as the cost of mobile phones today. When the amount of consumption is smaller than the minimum amount, the deduction is the minimum amount of money, but once it exceeds the minimum amount, it needs to be paid. However, the annual fee is still very favorable, compared with the monthly fee.
The third is annual package payment. What's the difference between this and annual payment? It's a way for businesses to pay for people who don't consume much in a year. As long as the company pays a projected fee at the beginning of the year, then no matter how many calls it receives, it doesn't need to pay any more. But in fact, this payment method of 400 telephones is seldom taken out, only for those enterprises whose traffic will not be very large, otherwise they will lose money.

  1. 保定市遨游计算机服务有限公司
  2. 服务热线:400-012-6696
  3. 售前咨询:13313028229 / 0312-3229012
  4. 售后:0312-5935238 / 6791400 / 6791120
  5. 地址:保定市朝阳南大街国贸大厦8楼808室

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